John and Sue in Uganda

Bridge of Hope

John and Sue Gasston joined Mike Norbury in Kalangala on Wed 16th October. This is the latest report from them.

We have visited the Bridge of Hope  School and we plan to start on the roof of the nursery block in the next couple of weeks. The photo above shows one of the primary classes hard at work…….well except for certain distractions!
We have had the surveyor and the exploratory team of diggers on the land at Sozi today looking at the best position of the well. Work on final positioning of the well should begin next week. The plastering of the  classroom /dormitory should be underway this week.
One of our pigs has just had 9 piglets and we pray they will all survive.
We have spent a few days in Kampala collecting the brick making machine which will be shipped to Kalangala tomorrow.
We are moving forward and making progress already.
Many challenges still to overcome.
John and Sue