Uganda Update October 2016

Latest update from Uganda Oct 2016

We have had a busy time at Maranatha Gateway planting various trees over these last few months.  500 eucalyptus seedlings were planted in May.  Their trunks grow quickly, tall and straight and are mostly used for the building trade.

uganda-oct-1The eucalyptus trees keep on growing – most are well over 6 feet tall.  The pine trees planted in early October need much more care and some are struggling to keep growing straight!!  We have had more fruit trees planted – mango, banana and next week we will add passion and paw paw.

We have also had quite a lot of tree surgery done – dangerous overhanging branches, Large palm trees blocking out the light and some smaller jobs.

The grass on the recreation area is beginning to grow well and has even had its first slashing!! (ie cutting!!)


uganda-oct-2We had a successful carpentry course at the end of September and a team from US came for  few days at beginning of October to work with Pastor Fred’s church.  They stayed at one of the beach resorts and John ferried them back and forth to various meetings, hospital visit (to pray for the patients) etc… They also visited the local prison and 6 of the inmates received Jesus  and want to be baptised. 2 patients from the hospital got healed and baptised as did 2 of the waitresses at the hotel.  A great time.

uganda-oct-3The following weekend we went to Kampala with the truck.  On the way we took some equipment to Pastor Margaret’s prostitute project in Namulanda.  Sewing machines and various accessories and material to help train the ladies in a money earning skill. This equipment came as part of our shipment from Tools with a Mission – we also had equipment for carpentry, brick laying and ground working tools.  It has been such a blessing.

We were also meeting up with someone who was going to help us achieve the renewal of our NGO.  I had been getting some paperwork together and I wanted to see how we were doing.  Well actually pretty well is the answer!!! In fact today (27th) I have just completed all the paperwork, got all the relevant signatures and photocopied all the pages to make 6 copies, put in files all ready to go to the various departments.  Monday I shall be back in Kampala to give the file for the NGO board and hope that everything will be ok for our renewal in November.  Praise God.

Latest News From Uganda February 2016

Maranatha Gateway, Kalangala


Students at Maranatha Gateway show off their carpentry work

The second accommodation block has been completed with all plastering and painting as well as  all bedrooms fully  equipped.  The pathways connecting the buildings have been laid with stone, making access much easier.

2 carpentry courses have been held with some wonderful furniture made – especially from the Module 2 course, which consisted of students from the previous module 1 courses over the last 12 months.


New sleeping accommodation now complete


New Rock Foundation School, Kampala


Are these the most colourful school gates in Africa? Thanks to St Paul’s Primary School!!

The school gates have been painted as well as other improvements to the kitchen which have been made possible by the support of St Paul’s Primary School in Hereford.







Bridge of Hope school, Kalangala

The nursery building is nearing completion with the walls mostly in place.  This is as a result of the support from St John’s Primary school in Sandbach.

B o H nursery walls 2

Bridge of Hope Nursery Nears Completion


These students are looking forward to the new classroom















Chosen Children Primary School, Nansana

This school has recently been ‘twinned’ with All Saints Primary School, Gresford, Wrexham.  We look forward to the benefit that both schools can make of this connection.

Team visit

A small team is coming out to Uganda in August 2016 to visit each of the above schools and work with the children, as well as see other aspects of African life.  This is an exciting event and we hope to accommodate many more such visits in the future.

Latest Update from Maranatha Gateway in Uganda


The last couple of months have seen great progress on improving our living conditions. We now have a separate sitting room, office and bedroom – whereas before they were all in the one room!!

We have also had a large patch of land weeded and thoroughly turned over and cassava planted. We have recently bought some netting to put round the garden to deter the monkeys from damaging the crops.

MG.Sept 1


The paving of the walkways between the buildings is completed, the water tank is connected to the new building, solar lighting is working and a security light has been installed.


MG.Sept 2


The last two weeks have seen another carpentry course take place. This time we invited back previous students to do the next level of skills. We started with 6 students and they made an office desk with 2 drawers and a chair in the first week, and a sideboard/dresser in the second week.


MG.Sept 3MG.Sept 4











                 2016 CALENDAR          For Website         2016 CALENDAR 

A beautiful new calendar is available for 2016 with views and descriptions of Maranatha Gateway and the surrounding countryside. We urge you to buy one or more of these – ideal Christmas presents. The cost is only £5 plus £2 postage. All you have to do is send a cheque for £7 made out to Equipe Uganda Ross to

MG Calendar, 1 Avon Close, Acton, Wrexham, LL12 7US. Please don’t forget to send us your address!!

All profits from these calendars will go directly to the Maranatha Gateway project.