Child Sponsorship Form

Become an Equipe child sponsor by completing this form to set up a regular PayPal payment. Required fields are marked *. If you prefer, you can download and print out a Standing Order Form, or if you have online banking you can set up a regular payment to us. We will then send you a child sponsorship welcome pack with all the details of your child.

  • About You

  • Your Sponsorship

  • Note for children older than 12 the sponsorship costs are £20 per month as secondary schooling is more expensive than primary.
  • Please indicate whether you would like updates about your child and newsletters from us.
  • Financial Details

  • Currently, we offer a £20 monthly sponsorship option.
  • Click submit and you will be taken to a PayPal secure checkout, where you can enter your details to authorise the payments.

    The information you provide in this form will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By clicking the Submit button, you agree to these terms.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.